Event Details

We would love to invite you for our haring party on Thursday 06 July from 5 PM-8.30 PM at the Residence of Consul General Daniรซl Stork, to celebrate the start of the herring season, and the start-of-the-summer. This gathering event is also organized in the context of the 50-year diplomatic relations between The Netherlands and Vietnam.

Besides herring, there will be a dinner BBQ buffet, with different food and drinks options, music and we expect about 100 guests. The event is graciously sponsored by Lenger Seafoods, Heineken, DBAV and the Consulate General. Entry is free of charge.

If you would like to come, please make sure to register. Please also feel free to bring an extra person - but make sure to register this person beforehand.

With a limited registration, RSVP is required before 4 July. Please come and join us as we dive into this fun engaging borrel and immerse ourselves in the rich, vibrant culture of the Netherlands. This is an event you won't want to miss!


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